I spent the month of June in Ireland, at the end of which I attended the 2016 Dublin Writers Conference, put on by Laurence O’Brien and the crew at booksgosocial.com. It was a lovely three days’ worth of inspiring and informative sessions put on by successful writers, instructors and publishers. I’ll be sharing some of the writing tips I learned there (and at this month’s RWA Convention in San Diego) in the next few blog posts. The first batch is from Conor Kostick, an author and ... VIEW POST
How Not to Be the Literary Agent From Hell
Recently our local writers’ guild put on a one-day “Pitchfest” in which attendees like me had brief appointments with literary agents who'd been invited to see what talent they might discover within our midst. I am indie published, but I’m writing a romantic mystery series which could be a good fit for some publishers, so I decided I’d give it a whirl. I chose agents who stated they were looking for new writers in that genre (among others) and I spent considerable time prepping for my ... VIEW POST
NaNoWriMo – Yes or No?
NaNoWriMo has officially started, and I signed up just under the wire to begin on time. I’ve taken the national writing challenge for the last two years, and completed it both times. Both efforts spawned the nucleus of what became (imho) really good books. The Art of Love won a couple of writing awards, and the second, called The Depth of Beauty, will be released in January. I think it’s my best work yet. So you’d think I’d jump at the chance to do NaNoWriMo again. Uh, not really. The ... VIEW POST