NaNoWriMo has officially started, and I signed up just under the wire to begin on time. I’ve taken the national writing challenge for the last two years, and completed it both times. Both efforts spawned the nucleus of what became (imho) really good books. The Art of Love won a couple of writing awards, and the second, called The Depth of Beauty, will be released in January. I think it’s my best work yet. So you’d think I’d jump at the chance to do NaNoWriMo again. Uh, not really. The ... VIEW POST
The Difference Between Fiction Editing and a Rock Band Tour? Not Much
My older son is a musician and college student in Denver. I’d call him “struggling,” but 1) that would be a cliché, and 2) how bad can it be when you’re twenty-one with no major responsibilities except to feed yourself, get to rehearsal/performances on time and, oh yes, pass your classes? Plus, his bands are “on the way up,” as they say. They’re going places. Literally. He just got back from a multi-state tour with one of his groups. They played in Utah, California, Washington, Oregon and ... VIEW POST