Everyone who understands fiction knows that the romance genre offers stories in which two people (not necessarily a man and a woman anymore!) work through their struggles to achieve a lasting love relationship. Usually, one of those characters is a heroine, and one a hero. It’s the hero who interests me in this post. I’ve been thinking a lot about him lately: in today’s world, who is he, really? What kind of person can he be in order to both embody the essence of the genre and still be ... VIEW POST
A Romantic Hero as Real As You or Me
One of the gripes against genre fiction is that too often the heroes, even the flawed ones, are unbelievably cool—emphasis on the word “unbelievably.” For the romance genre that’s especially true because authors want to transport the reader to a place whose inhabitants are much more captivating than most of the characters they meet in everyday life. Nobody, the critics say, is as heroic as those Dudley Do-Rights in the novels. But wait. I just read a book—non-fiction, mind you— about a young ... VIEW POST